
Email: charlotte.coffin[at]

Charlotte Coffin is an associate professor of English Literature at Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (France). She specializes in the literature and culture of the early modern period, with a particular interest in commonplaces and clichés. She is concerned with the cultural transmission and theatrical rewritings of classical mythology, and is currently working on Shakespeare, Heywood, and Lyly.

Besides her work with the IRCL, she is affiliated to the IMAGER research group at Paris-Est Créteil and participates in the Paris Early Modern seminar. She is co-editor with Laetitia Coussement-Boillot of Lectures d'une œuvre: The Tragedy of Coriolanus de William Shakespeare (Éditions du Temps, 2006).

She has taught at Brown University as an invited professor, at the University of Cambridge, UK, and at the Sorbonne University in Paris. A former student at the École Normale Supérieure rue d'Ulm in Paris, she received her PhD from the Sorbonne. 

Charlotte is a member of the editorial board of this online project on classical mythology and early modern England,

Recent work on classical mythology in Renaissance England includes a collection of essays she edited with Agnès Lafont and Janice Valls-Russell, Interweaving Myths in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries.  Manchester University Press, 2017. See also Select bibliography below.

Select bibliography

• Interweaving Myths in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries (ed. with Janice Valls-Russell and Agnès Lafont). Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017.

• “Burlesque or neo-Platonic? Popular or elite? The shifting value of classical mythology in Love’s Mistress”. In Interweaving Myths in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries (ed. Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont and Charlotte Coffin). Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017: 216-38.

• “Heywood’ Ages and Chapman’s Homer: Nothing in common?” Homer and Greek Tragedy in Early Modern England’s Theatres, ed. Tania Demetriou and Tanya Pollard. Special issue of Classical Receptions Journal 9:1 (2017): Classical Receptions Journal 9:1 (2017): 55-78.

• “The Gods’ Lasciviousness, or How to Deal with It: the Plight of Early Modern Mythographers.” In Cahiers Élisabéthains 81 (May 2012): 1-14. 

• “L’impertinence du commentaire: de la mythographie à la scène dans l'Angleterre élisabéthaine.” Sillages critiques 9 (2009).

• “Ulysse à la dérive: de déviations en faux-fuyants, un itinéraire élisabéthain.” LISA 6:3 (2008): 108-122.

• “From Pageant to Text: the Silent Discourse of Heywood’s Omissions.” Cahiers  Charles V  43 (2007): 71-96.

• “Fragments de mythes: emprunt et cliché dans l'écriture élisabéthaine.” In Emprunt, plagiat, réécriture aux XVe, XVIe, XVIIe siècles, eds. M. Couton et al..  Clermont-Ferrand,  Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2006: 107-123.

• “Théorie et pratique des mythes: les paradoxes de Thomas Heywood.” Revue de la Société d'Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles 60 (2005): 63-76.

• “An Echo Chamber for Narcissus: Mythological Rewritings in Twelfth Night.” In Cahiers Élisabéthains 66 (Autumn 2004): 23-28. Available online.

• “Le langage fantasmatique du mythe dans Antony and Cleopatra.”  In Mythe et littérature, Shakespeare et ses contemporains, ed. Yves Peyré. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Anglophonia 13, 2003, 155-67.


See Charlotte’s profile for more. 

Charlotte COFFIN