Shakespeare's Myths
Apollodorus. The Library, III, iv, 4.
Apuleius. Metamorphoses, II, 4.
Callimachus. Hymn V, 107-116.
Diodorus Siculus. IV, 81, 4-5.
Euripides. Bacchae, 337-41.
Hyginus. Fables, 180, 181.
Lucian. Dialogues of the Gods, XVIII, “Hera and Leto”.
Nonnos of Panopolis. Dionysiaca, V, 287-533.
Ovid. Metamorphoses, III, 138-252.
Ovid. Tristia, II, 103-06.
Pausanias. Description of Greece, IX, ii, 3.
Plutarch. Lives, “Sertorius”, I, 2.
Silius Italicus. De Bello Punico, XII, 365-68.
How to cite
Agnès Lafont. “Actaeon.” 2013. In A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology (2009-), ed. Yves Peyré.
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