Early Modern Mythological Texts: Troia Britanica XVI (1-50)
Thomas Heywood. Troia Britanica (1609)
CANTO XVI (1-50)
Stanzas 1-10 — 11-20 — 21-30 — 31-40 — 41-50 — 51-95
Ed. Nick MYERS
Having the sight of our wished harbour gained,
The years from Brute to Christ: what famous kings
Governed in Britain, and how long they reigned
From Christ to Norman William, and what things
Of special note were in their days contained,
In a brief chronicle, our muse next sings:
Much matter in few words: swift runs our glass,
We many ages in one instant pass.
Arg. 2
A genealogy exactly found,
From the first man, to Norman William crowned.
Adam got Seth; Seth, Enos; Enos, Cayne,
Cayne got Melaliel; Jareth next begot,
From Jared Enoch, that to heaven was ta’n,
He got Methusalem, whose line doth run
To Lamech; of him Noah, and from Noah came
Japheth; then Cichem, who was Japheth’s son.
Cichem got Cipre; Cipre, Creete, and so
Creete, Saturn: from whose branch great Jhove doth grow.
Dardanus is immediate heir from Jhove, And by Candame, got Erichthonius, Erichthon Tros; Tros Ilion; next him strove And when the Greeks from Troy Aeneas drove, Who, after Carthaginian Dido passed, Up through the river Tiber sails at last. |
Dardanus son to Jupiter and Electra |
At Hostia’s port—the place the gods behight— Aeneas lands. Evander him receives. The Latins’ king his daughter at first sight Aeneas loves, and for her sake, bereaves The Tuskayne king of life in single fight. Turnus being dead, the fair Lavinia leaves Her virgin vows, by whom the Trojan prince |
Turnus king of Tuskayne |
Brute’s mother in her painful throes deceased.
Hunting, his glancing shaft his father slew,
For which with melancholy griefs infest,
From Italy the prince himself withdrew,
Ten thousand voluntary men unpressed
Consort him, strange adventures to pursue—
Whom Corineus with many Trojans more
Meets, and assists, new countries to explore.
Brute, Grecian Pandras who denied him way And through his spacious kingdom passage free, O’ercomes in battle, but denies to stay Till he more coasts and various climates see. Fair Innogen a virgin fresh as May, He marrieth, and with Pandras doth agree For her rich dower to have a royal fleet, Well furnished for his train, with all things meet. |
Innogen daughter to Pandras |
He passed Alcides’ pillars, even to Gaul,
Landing in Guienne. Guffor the proud king
Denies Prince Brute to hunt but maugre all
He chased his deer, and made his bucks to spring.
Thence Albion he descries, like a white wall
Washed with the sea, and longs his fleet to bring
To a safe harbour, where he might survey
The long-sought isle where he his bones must lay.
When Ayoth judged Israel in the year Threescore and twelve of his command and state, Egyptian Danaus’ daughters landed here, After long search, who for they had of late Their nine and forty husbands by th’austere Injunction of their sire brought to sad fate, Were in a mastless ship to exile thrown And landing here, called this isle Albion. |
Albion of Albania the eldest sister |
Some say of these viragos spirits begot Giants, that were of huge and monstrous size, Who when they grew to stature, spared not Affinity, for son with mother lies, Brother with sister: so the learned Scot Marian doth in his chronicles comprise: And of these lustful ladies, in small while, Twelve thousand giants peopled this large isle. |
Prince Brute with Corineus doth Albion enter At Totnes; thirty monstrous giants kills, And after much and dangerous adventure, Builds London (called New Troy): his throne he fills Twenty-four years, then pays his last debenter To nature. Britain he to Locrine wills, Scotland to Albanact, Wales Camber sways, Israel was judged by Samuel in their days. |
2878/1085 |
Locrine reigned twenty years. His wife him slew, Because he Sabrine loved, and her forsook. Mother and child bold Guendolina threw Into the Severn streams, who their name took From Sabrine; in his days young David grew, And with a sling the great Goliah strook, At Locrine’s death, stern Guendoline began; Her husband she succeeds; and her, her son. |
Madan ruled forty years, and in his days Was beautious Absolom by Joab slain. Memprisius twenty years the sceptre sways, Procuring first his brother Manlius’ bane Whom Madan loved, and had intent to raise. In lust and riot he consumed his reign, For which just heavens their righteous vengeance poured, Memprisius hunting was by wolves devoured. |
Madan 2916/1047 Memprisius 2954/1009 |
Him his son Ebranke in the throne succeeds, Who governs threescore happy summers through. Famous for many charitable deeds, He builded York, Dunbar, and Edenborowe. Next him Brute Green-shield donned th’imperial weeds. After twelve happy years his subjects’ sorrow For his untimely fate; and in his reign, B’Elias’ prayer the priests of Baal were slain. |
Ebranke 2972/991
Brute Green. 3033/930
3034/929 |
Leill, Brute’s son, reigned five and twenty years And Carleil built, then did his seat resign To young Lud Hurdibras, loved of his peers, Who governed Britain’s sceptre twenty-nine. He Winchester and Canterbury rears, With Shaftsbury, then seeks a throne divine, Whose obits were in Britain long bemoaned. The prophet Zachary in his days was stoned. |
Leill 3046/917 Lud Hurdibras 3071/892
Bladud, Lud’s son, reigned next and Bath erected, A sorcerer, and did attempt to fly, And having twenty years the realm protected, He brake his neck down from a steeple high. Amos and Amazia were directed In those holy days by the spirit of prophecy. Leir next him, in whose time, as books say, Jonas three days in the whale’s belly lay. |
3097/896 Bladud
Leir 3123/840 |
Leir built Leicester, forty years was crowned, Famous in his three daughters and their love, The youngest most suspected, faithful found, And they that promised most, least thankful prove. Kindest Cordeilla that did most abound In filial zeal next Leir sits above: Morgan and Cunedagius two false peers, Depose their aunt after five unhappy years. |
Cordeilla Morgan Cunedagius |
They jointly reign, till Cunedagius slew His brother Morgan in Glamorganshire, From whom the title of that country grew, And after governed three and thirty yeare, Now Naum preached. Rivallo doth pursue The kingdom next, a prince that had no peer. In his days prophecied Esay, Micheas, The prophets Adad, Amos and Oseas. |
Rivallo 3196/767 |
Forty-six years he governed. In his reign Rome was first built, wise Sybil gave forth saws, King Ezechy by God healed of his pain, Had fifteen years’ life promised. For some cause The sun full ten degrees turned back again. Thales Milesius to the Greeks gave laws. In Britain it rained blood, Rivallo waned, And eight and thirty years Gurgustius reigned. |
Gurgustius 3242/721 |
Now Joel taught, his Iliads Homer wrate, And Glaucus Chius soldering first invented. Sisillius next Gurgustius takes the state, Forty-nine years he governs well contented. Amon in Juda reigned, Zaleucus sate Judge on his son’s eye, Jeremy lamented For the sad tragedy of King Josias. |
3252/711 Sisillius
3295/668 |
Now Phalaris in Agrigentine swayed, And thrust Perillus in his brazen bull To taste the torment he for others made. Iago next Sisillius makes up full Twenty-five years, then in his tomb was laid. Nebuchadnezar sought to disannul The Hebrew laws. Susanna’s fame increased, By th’Elders wronged, by Daniel’s doom released. |
3327/636 |
Fifty-four years Kinimachus was known After Iago in the British chair; Arion with his harp was o’erboard thrown, Whom through the seas the pitious dolphin bare; Bel was called God, and ’fore him trumpets blown, And the three children in the robes they wear Cast in the fiery furnace. Now I guess, |
3351/612 Kinimachus
Anaximander th’horoscope first made, Aesop in birds and beasts first figured men. Next King Kinimachus Gorbodug swayed The British sceptre. In the lions’ den Daniel was cast. Now Cyrus did invade Cressus of Lydia. ’Twas the season when Zacharias, Aggeus, Malach’ prophesied, And the chaste Lucrece by her own hand died. |
Gorbodug 3404/559
3417/546 3430/533
Next Gorbodug, Ferrex and Porrex reigned; After five years, bold Porrex Ferrex slew, For which their mother Porrex much disdained, And in his blood did her black hands imbrue. After their death sedition was maintained Full one and fifty years. Whilst no man knew Th’immediate heir, and whilst these wars were nourished, Darius, Xerxes, and Queen Hester flourished. |
Ferrex, Porrex 3467/496
3475/488 |
Th’Athenian Sophocles a tragic poet; Plato, Cratinus, Aristarchus were All comic writers, as their works best show it. Empedocles of Athens did acquire Music’s full ground, and made the world to know it; Parmenides made logic first appear, Which in Mount Caucasus he first devised; Esdras the scribe the Scriptures now comprised. |
Mulmutius Dunwallo, son and heir To Cloten, Duke of Cornwayle’s next instated. He did the four broad highways first repair; First crowned, Paul’s church first built and consecrated, And after forty years from Britain’s chair To a new throne in heaven he was translated. Now Socrates th’Athenian hearers charms, Demosthenes, famous for arts and arms. |
3522/441 Mulmutius
Beline and Bren the British crown divide. Being by their mother, after wars, atoned, While Bren in foreign arms his valour tried, Beline built Belinsgate; all Denmark groaned Beneath his yoke. Bren, to the Gauls allied, Sacked Rome, burnt Delphos, and was after stoned With hail and thunder-stroke; much blood was spilt. In Italy ten stately towns he built. |
Beline, Bren
3563/400 |
Twenty-six years betwixt them they supply The crown and sceptre. Dionysius reigned In Sicily. Damon and Pythias try Their mutual friendship. Xenophon maintained His school in Athens. Plato, prized higher, His Academy reared. Now was ordained For King Mausolus, by the Carian queen, A stately tomb ranked among the wonders nine. |
3586/377 |
Gurguintus, Belin’s son, nineteen years made The Britons homagers, by even tradition. Aristotle lived, whose fame shall never fade, Son to Nicomachus, a great physician. Now Macedonian Philip ’gan t’invade His neighbour kings in many an expedition. The noble Marcus Curtius, for Rome’s sake Armed at all points, leapt in the Curtian lake. |
Gurguintus 3588/375
3604/359 |
Guintheline six and twenty years made good His right in Britain. Mercia his fair wife Devised the Mercian laws. By Tiber flood The clouds rained stones. After Darius’ strife, Which ended in effusion of much blood, By poison Alexander lost his life. Next Guintheline seven years Cecilius reigned. Next him three years Kimar the state maintained. |
Guintheline 3607/356 3628/335
Cecilius Kimar 3633/330 |
Nine years Elanius reigned, Morindus eight, Devoured of a sea monster. In their days Onias son of Jaddus reached the height Of the priest’s office. Gorbomanus sways Eleven full years, a prince assisting right. Simon, Onias’ son, the Hebrews raise To the priesthood. Next just Gorboman Fierce Archigall to tyrannise began; |
Elanius, Morindus 3652/311
Gorbomanus 3660/303
Archigall 3671/292 |
After five years deposed. His second brother Succeeded in the style of Elidure, A virtuous prince, there sat not such another In Britain’s chair, in life severe and pure; Five years himself did Archigallo smother, And his deposing patiently endure. At length by Elidurus met and known, |
Elidure 3676/287
Archigallo 3681/282 |
Ten years the twice crowned Archigallo now Governs the state in honour, and then dying, To Elidure again the Britons bow. After two years, his brothers him defying Keep him in bonds. The Briton peers allow Their double rule, nine years their conquest trying. Vigenius and Peridure are past, And Elidure the third time crowned at last, |
Elidure 3691/272
Vigenius, Peridure 3693/270 Elidure 3702/261 |
Reigning four years. In this forepassed state Lived Epire Pyrrhus, and Lysimachus. The high priest Eleazar, choosed of late, Receives th’Egyptian league. Now breathe Seleucus And Ptolemy; now by the Roman senate Silver was coined first. Theos Antiochus In Syria reigned, blood sprang out of a well, And from the clouds milk in abundance fell. |
3684/279 |
Manasses lived high priest among the Jews. Ten years ruled Gorboman, Morgan fourteen, Emerianus next to him pursues The diadem: a tyrant full of spleen After seven years deposed. Inall ensues, A temperate prince, who twenty years was seen In Britain’s throne. Amilcar Carthage swayed, |
3705/258 Gorboman, Morgan, Emerianus
Rimo reigned sixteen years. Bold Hannibal And Scipio fought. Wise Cato lived in Rome. Next Rimo King Geruntius they install. Him after twenty years his lords entomb. The lofty Spaniards from Rome’s empire fall, And after stand to Fulvius Flaccus’ doom. Ten years Catellus reigned: the Jews were foiled, And by Antiochus God’s temple spoiled. |
3756/207 Rimo Geruntius 3771/192
Catellus 3790/173 |
The mother and her seven sons martyred were, The worthy Judas Maccabeus fought God’s battles. Coill reigned twenty year, Great Carthage was destroyed, and Corinth Brought to fall by fire. The Doctrines first appear The Pharisees and Sadducees taught. Five years just Porrex, drunken Cherimus |
3795/168 Coill
Porrex, Cherimus, Fulgen, Eldred, Androgeus |
Dendantius five years, two Detonnus held The sovereignty, then left this life for new. Nature a monstrous birth in Rome compelled, Having four hands, four feet; corn grew In Bonony on trees, whose taste excelled. The Parthian Arsaces Demetrius slew. Great Scipio Africanus ends his life, By false Sempronia his disloyal wife. |
Dedantius, Detonnus 3843/120
Young Urianus three, King Eliud five, Two Merianus, and Bladunus twain; Capenus three; Ovinius doth next strive, And his imperial state two years maintain; Two Silius; Bledgabredus did survive Full twenty years in his auspicious reign. Hircanus governed in the high priest’s stead, |
Urianus, Eliud Merianus, Bladunus 3848/115 Capenus, Ovinius
Silius, Bledgabredus
3857/109 |
Archemalus reigned two, Eldolus four, Two Rodianus, three Redargius, Samulius two the Britons next adore. King Penisellus three, two princely Pyrrhus, And after him Caporus two, no more. Now grew the wars twixt Scilla and Marius. Dinellus four, Helyus, Ely named, Governed ten months, when death his body claimed. |
3869/94 Archemalus, Eldolus Rodianus, Redargius Samulius Penisellus, Pyrrhus Caporus Dinellus, Helyus |
Lud, Helyus’ son, his happy rule began, Named Troynovant Lud’s town, Ludgate erected, Eleven years reigned, then to Cassibelan Left his two infant sons to be protected, Who till the princes grew to state of man, By all the British peers was king elected; Reigned nineteen years; in his days twice repelled, The Roman Caesar the bold Britons quelled. |
3893/70 Lud 3894/69 Cassibelan
Caesar 3911/52 |
Nennius won Caesar’s sword, and had it brought To be hanged o’er his hearse. Pompey the Great With Julius Caesar in Pharsalia fought. Julius usurps in Rome’s imperial seat, Was stabbed with bodkins, he that never fought But conquered, in all martial acts complete. Now flourished Cicero with praise divine, |
3919/44 |
And not the least grace to triumphant Rome, The rare comedian Roscius. Next in row Of British kings must young Tenancius come, Twenty-three years he reigned, and then did owe No more to nature. Then th’adopted son Of Caesar, great Augustus: now doth grow Rome’s monarchy. Mark Antony through pride Rebelled, by asps great Cleopatra died. |
3921/42 Tenancius
3934/29 |
Virgil and Horace flourished: in these days Jesus Fabetes’ son was consecrated High priest. King Herod Jewry’s sceptre sways. A general peace is through the world debated. The Britons next King Cymbelinus raise, And five and thirty years he is instated. And now the Saviour of the world was born, Th’eternal King crowned with a wreath of thorn. |
The yeare of the world above the line. The year after Christ under the line. |
Hortensius, Livy, Sallust, Ovid, all Were famed in Rome. Valiant Guiderius next The Britons as their sovereign liege install. Twenty-eight years he governs, much perplexed With Roman war. Now chanced Sejanus’ fall Under Tiberius. Now as saith the text, John Baptist preached, and by King Herod died, Pilate was judge, and Christ was crucified. |
3962/1 3978/17 Guiderius
3994/33 |
Now Arviragus reigns, and takes to wife Th’emperor Claudius’ daughter. Jewry’s king Was eat with worms. Grave Senec’ breathed this life, And Simon Magus did his money bring To buy the Holy Ghost, his fame was rife Among the Romans. Now did Nero sing Upon a hill Troy’s burning to his lyre, Having before set stately Rome afire. |
4006/45 Arviragus
Saint Mark in Alexandria martyred was, At Jerusalem James for the gospel died. Paul suffered too, whose boldness did surpass; Peter likewise in Rome was crucified. Queen Voada, a gallant British lass, Marched with five thousand ladies by her side, And in one battle—if report be true— Full fourscore thousand valiant Romans slew. |
4029/68 |
Next Arviragus Briton Marius guided. Now was the Temple of the highest defaced, His City sacked, and those that Christ derided Burnt, starved or slain, Jerusalem quite razed. Josephus lived, Domitian Rome divided, And after Titus in the throne was placed. Ignatius’ life in Rome ’mongst lions vanished. Saint John whom Christ loved was to Patmos banished. |
4070/108 |
In Rome now lived Cornelius Tacitus, Suetonius, younger Pliny, Juvenal, Valerius Flaccus, and Patavius, And the lascivious poet Martial, And under Trajan, Aulus Gelius, Plutarch and Apuleius. Now the wall From Tyne to the Scotch sea was made for strength, |
Coylus built Colchester. Now Justin wrote, And with his books and life Christ’s faith defended. Egyptian Ptolemy the stars did note, And mathematics found. Lucius ascended The state next Coyll, who first set afloat Baptism in England, by the Church commended. For our first Christian king: he mounts the spheres And without king leaves Britain fifteen years. |
4087/126 Coyll
Severus th’emperor did five years supply The British throne, then of the gout he died At York, to Bassianus his ally, Leaving both Rome and Britain’s isle to guide. Six years this Caracalla lifted high His crownèd state in tyranny and pride. Tertullian now and Origen were known, Carassus next assumes the British throne, |
4169/208 Severus 4174/213 Caracalla
Carassus |
Governed eight years, then by Alectus died; After three years bold Asclepiodote Alectus slew, in height of all his pride, And Roman Wallus, by whose timeless fall Walbrook took name. He thirty years supplied The kingdom, then exchanged his mortal state. Artabanus great Artaxerxus slew, Saint Alban martyred left this life for new. |
4187/226 Alectus Asclepiodote
4193/232 |
Back to Canto XV
Notes to Canto XVI (stanzas 1-40; stanzas 41-70; stanzas 71-95 & endnotes)
On to Canto XVI (51-95)
How to cite
Nick Myers, ed., 2019. Troia Britanica Canto XVI (1609). In A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology: A Textual Companion, ed. Yves Peyré (2009-).