
Email: tpollard[at]

Tanya Pollard is Professor of English at Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She specializes in early modern drama, with particular interests in genre; history of bodies, emotion, and medicine; and the early modern reception of Greek plays. Her books include Greek Tragic Women on Shakespearean Stages (2017), Shakespearean Sensations (2013), co-edited with Katharine Craik; Drugs and Poisons in Early Modern England (2005); and Shakespeare's Theater: A Sourcebook (2003). See Select bibliography.

Tanya is a member of the editorial board of this online project on classical mythology and early modern England,


Select bibliography

• Greek Tragic Women on Shakespearean Stages. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017.

• “Homer and Greek Tragedy in Early Modern England’s Theatres: An Introduction.” Homer and Greek Tragedy in Early Modern England’s Theatres, ed. Tania Demetriou and Tanya Pollard. Special issue of Classical Receptions Journal 9:1 (2017): 1-35.

• Homer and Greek Tragedy in Early Modern England’s Theatres, ed. Tania Demetriou and Tanya Pollard. Special issue of Classical Receptions Journal 9:1 (2017).

• Milton, Drama and Greek Texts, ed. Tania Demetriou and Tanya Pollard. Special issue of The Seventeenth Century 31:2 (2016).

• “What’s Hecuba to Shakespeare?” Renaissance Quarterly 65:4 (2012), 1060-1093.

• “Greek Playbooks and Dramatic Forms in Early Modern England”.  In Forms of Early Modern Writing, ed. Allison Deutermann and Andras Kisery.  Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013, 99-123.

• “Conceiving Tragedy”.  In Shakespearean Sensations, ed. Katharine A. Craik and Tanya Pollard.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, 85-100.


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