Email: gaelle.ginestet[at]
Gaëlle Ginestet teaches English at Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, where she is a member of the Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-classical Age and the Enlightenment (IRCL). She is currently engaged in two collective research projects: A Dictionary of Shakespeare’s Classical Mythology and Shakespeare and French cinema, and publishes on the early modern reception of classical mythology (see select bibliography below) as well as Shakespeare in Film. She holds a PhD on mythology in Elizabethan love sonnet sequences from Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier. Gaëlle regularly contributes play reviews to Cahiers Élisabéthains.
Other contributions to this website
Annotated edition of Thomas Heywood, Troia Britanica (1609), Canto VI. 2012. A Textual Companion to A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology (2009-), ed. Yves Peyré.
Annotated edition of Thomas Heywood, Troia Britanica (1609), Canto VII. 2015. A Textual Companion to A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology (2009-), ed. Yves Peyré.
Select bibliography
• “‘She, whom Jove transported into Crete: Europa, between consent and rape”. In Interweaving Myths in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries (ed. Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont and Charlotte Coffin). Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017: 149-72.
• “Feu de l’amour, feu du soleil dans The Hekatompathia de Thomas Watson”. In Mythe et littérature, Shakespeare et ses contemporains, ed. Yves Peyré. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Anglophonia 13, 2003, 57-67.
• “‘A Gorgon shadowed under Venus’ face’: deceptive beauty in Elizabethan love sonnets”. In Tours et détours: les ruses du discours dans l'Angleterre de la Renaissance, ed. Isabelle Schwartz-Gastine and Michèle Vignaux. La Revue LISA / LISA e-journal 6.1 (2008):
• “Le mythe d’Ixion revu par les poètes amoureux élisabéthains”. In Mythes: oublis et devenir du sens, ed. Silvan Chabaud, Catherine Nicolas, Valérie Maffre and Benoît Vieu. Montpellier: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Rusca “Langues, Littératures, Cultures, Civilisations” 3, 2008: