Shakespeare's Myths

ApollodorusThe Library, I, ix, 23-28.

Apollonius RhodiusArgonautica.

Diodorus SiculusThe Library of History, IV, 45-56.


HyginusFabulae, XXII-XXVI.

Ovid. Heroides, VI, “Hypsipyle to Jason”, 19-20, 75, 81-108, 125-38, 149-64; XII, “Medea to Jason”; XVII, “Helen to Paris”, 229-33.

OvidMetamorphoses VII, 1-424.

OvidTristia III, ix, 1-34.

PausaniasDescription of Greece, II, iii, 6-11; II, xii, 1; V, xviii, 3; VIII, xi, 3.

Pindar.  Fourth Pythian Ode.

PlutarchLife of Theseus.


Valerius FlaccusArgonautica.


How to cite

Katherine Heavey. “Medea.”  2014.  In A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology

(2009-), ed. Yves Peyré.

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